Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Welcome greetings !!

Hi people worldwide.

This is my very first words on this blog.

Thank you for join us.

Well, firstly I would like to talk about this amazing country, Brazil.

Brazil is as large as a continent. Thus, we have many differences on climate, language accent, culture, and waves as well.
There are more than 6,000km of coast line from north to south. You may realize how many different waves we have here!

The south of country is the most consistent area. Waves break every year, no matter if it is Summer or Winter time.

Definitely during Autumn and Winter swells get bigger and more consistent. From March to August waves easily reach 8 feet. This is the average size this time of year. The South swells come every week and make us happy all the time.
Also, during this time winds are very weak. It just blow when swell is coming.

From August to December waves get a bit smaller (around 6 feet) and wind gets stronger. This season is perfect for Kite and Wind surfing. Specially kitesurfing has grown very fast down south.

Summer Time!!!
December to March.
We may compare it with the flowers on Spring time.
Well... I mean... Girls bloom like roses!
Surf is also very good with waves around 3-5 feet every day.
But this time is hard to keep focused on waves. You easily is forced to turn your head to the sand and forget about your board.
The nightlife is a strong challenger for the surfing.

Actually, the nightlife is awesome all year long but during summer time people are more keen to go out and have fun. This is a Nature law. On winter, hibernate. On Summer, ... socializate.

In a few words: No matter when you come to Brazil.
You will always have a very good time!
People are friendly, Nature is blessed and there are MANY things to figure out.

Do not worry about violence!
Our big cities like Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo do not have more violence than any other big city in the world.
This is an image that other countries like to show about our country.
Brazil is on the international highlights only when something bad happens.

You may come to Brazil and see with your own eyes.

You will love it!
And may not want to leave anymore...

Cheers and good waves!

Stay in peace!

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